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Aerotropolis Regional Transportation Authority (ARTA)

The Aerotropolis Regional Transportation Authority (ARTA) encompasses roughly 3,000 acres south of Denver International Airport (DEN). The Board of Directors consists of three voting member jurisdictions: Adams County, The City of Aurora, and the Aerotropolis Area Coordinating Metropolitan District (AACMD). The Aurora City Council, The Board of County Commissioners of Adams County and the AACMD executed an intergovernmental agreement establishing ARTA. The Authority will oversee the budget and phasing plans for critical regional transportation infrastructure and finance regional transportation improvements needed to improve access across Aurora and Adams County including additional connections from Interstate 70 to DEN, new interchanges on E-470, as well as extensions of several critical arteries throughout the district.

ARTA Boundary Map

Meeting notices will be posted below no less than 24 hours prior to meetings. Agendas, packets, minutes and recordings of meetings are available on the Meetings Page
The January 22, 2025 meeting is cancelled.

Notice of Meeting
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